Author: Erika

Have a Fun and Safe Halloween Weekend!

As many of you know, Halloween is just around the corner… BOO! Don’t be scared though, if you follow these 5 tips you’ll have a fun and safe Halloween that you’ll always remember!

1.Flat shoes means safe shoes. Wearing heels is a no-go.

You will be walking around a lot and might not have the best surface of walking. You don’t want to have to hobble back to your room because of a sprained ankle or gash on the knee from falling. Wear some cool Chuck Taylors or boots and be comfortable all night.

2.Do the buddy system thang.

People always say that “two is better than one” and this is definitely true when it comes to Halloween. You don’t want to get lost in the packs of people that come and visit. People are dressed up and Halloween always brings the crazy out, so stay safe by staying in a group. The more the merrier.

3.Know your limits and stick with them.

We all know that Halloween is a fun time to dress up and go out! If you do decide to drink, know when to stop. Just because you want to enjoy the night doesn’t mean you have to forget it. Limit yourself to one drink per hour with water in between (and don’t feel pressured to drink if you don’t want to!). 

4.R.E.S.P.E.C.T… it’s good for the soul.

While you all are having a blast and looking fabulous in your costumes make sure you remember that people are still trying to work by keeping you safe. Understand that police officers and paramedics are on high alert and don’t give them a reason to have reasonable cause. Respect the property you are on … no one likes a trouble-maker.

5.Your phone may not be your ticket to getting home.

As Halloween in IV can get a bit crowded, that also means the airwaves are getting crowded as well.  With people posting, texting, and calling 90% of the time, it will be harder and sometimes impossible to get in communication with other people. Have a plan before leaving the house and stick with it. Yes that means be prepared to have no contact with those outside of your group… even more incentive to stay in a group!

If you stick with these 5 safety tips, whether its during Halloween or anytime you venture into the Isla Vista world!  Use common sense and safety first!

How to Build a Tasty and Flavorful Mexican Salad

Being at Trop for almost 5 years… yes five, I have found ways to eat healthy and mix it up each day without going out and spending money that, lets be honest, I don’t have. Some of you might be getting to the point where a PB&J sandwich just isn’t tasting the way it used to or a salad with veggies can seem a bit blah. I have a few hints to help you make each meal healthy with taste to back it up. 

If the Trop Café is serving Mexican that night then that means you can avoid the extra calories in a tortilla or shell bowl and make a delicious Mexican Salad. 

Walk to the salad bar and scope out all the extra veggies and toppings they may have out. Build that salad to your liking. I love to mix the spinach and iceberg lettuce to add some extra nutrition with some crunch.

See if you can get some chicken or beef for you salad. Once you’ve got your protein go find some fiber… maybe black beans or peppers.

Go to the condiments area and scoop up some freshly made pico de gallo and guacamole. You can even ask a Bon Appetit employee to see if they have extra avocado in the back. Sprinkle a little bit of cheese and there you go. Sometimes they even have feta in the salad bar section to make it a little more fancy. 

No need for dressing since the pico de gallo serves as a substitute. 

If you need a little extra flavor, get some BBQ sauce and make your very own Chicken or Beef Mexican Salad!

Something that helps me get my 64 ounces of water a day is to drink a cup before I eat and a cup after I eat. Leaves me feeling full and hydrated. Especially when its nice and hot outside.

That’s just one of my favorite salads to make in the Tropicana Café… stay tuned for more delicious combinations and more fun facts about this amazing place we call home, Santa Barbara! 

xox erika

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